
Post baby Squabbles

According to the book, we're supposed to baby-proof our marriage by figuring out what our top five post-baby squabbles will be and discuss them.

E's predictions:
  1. Take a break
  2. Where Henchel sleeps
  3. Over/ under stimulation
  4. Who's turn is it to change the diaper?
  5. Appropriate dress (too warm / too cool)
My predictions:
  1. Diet - Meat? Chemicals? How long has it been on the floor?
  2. Appropriate playing - "You're freaking him out!" "No I'm not!"
  3. Who gets to hold/ carry Henchel
  4. Appropriate music - "You're freaking him out!" "No I'm not!"
  5. Stephen, you're not sticking to the structure!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! You guys are so smart! We never even thought of thinking of possible squabbles. This leads me to believe that it would have been a good idea to do so. Little One is 22 months and Hubby and I continue to have baby squabbles.
