
Home Birthing Class

Ever thought you were 100% certain about something only to have an experience that makes you even more certain? That happened to me last night in home birthing class.

The first thing the class had going for it was a great spread of fruit, veg, cheese, crackers, hummus and organic lemonade. Unlike the TEGH classes, this was free and had snacks. Midwives Clinic: 1; TEGH: 0

The first part consisted of a free form discussion where a history of home birthing was given, followed by an extensive question and answer session which dealt with myths, concerns, some fairly hostile questions but mainly curious people getting straightforward answers. While the instructor clearly had her agenda, it was never pushed on us and focused a lot on holistic ways to deal with any complications that would arise. Discussions about labour addressed pain but never in a fearful, medicalized way unlike the bloody single-mindedness of of out prenatal teacher. Midwives Clinic 2; TEGH 0

The second part had a couple come in to talk about their experience with a home birth. They were friendly, engaging and honest. Their home birth did not go without any problems when their daughter was born with the cord around its neck. What they made clear was the speed, efficiency and professionalism of the midwives attending her. The couple also had a fantastic piece of advice:

To be flexible with your home birth and prepare for the possibility that you may have to go to the hospital or that you may feel that you can't go on without an epidural and to not feel like a failure should this happen, but understand that you are listening to your body and doing what is right for you. In a sense, this is why home birth only makes sense; in a normal, health pregnancy, there is no need for a hospital when there are professionals able to deliver children safely in your home environment.

As the prenatal instructor at the TEGH said the other week, "You want to give birth in the same environment that you make love in." I can't speak for everyone, but I've never made love in a hospital. Midwives Clinic 3; TEGH 0

Hat trick.